A Study on Design-oriented Demands of VR via ZMET-QFD Model for Industrial Design Education and Students’ Learning
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National Cheng Kung University
National Chiayi University
Publication date: 2016-03-20
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An Sheng Lee   

National Chiayi University, No.300 Syuefu Rd., 60004 Chiayi City, Taiwan
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2016;12(5):1205-1219
The difficulty of Virtual Reality application in industrial design education and learning is VR engineers cannot comprehend what the important functions or elements are for students. In addition, a general-purpose VR usually confuses the students and provides neither good manipulation means nor useful toolkits. To solve these problems, the ZMET-QFD model presented in this paper, can translate the in-depth demands of VR into actual functions from the students’ thoughts. With a ZMET-QFD model, twenty-one items are determined to be the functions for VR from the students’ perspective. According to importance ranking, top ten items are: real-world parameters, physical database, multiple viewpoints, multiple-windows operation, ruler and unit display, environmental database, material database, multiple presentation models, graphical interface, and customized parameters. The findings of this study should lead to the creation of a concept of a designer-oriented virtual reality system that can truly help industrial design education and students’ learning.
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