Development Of An Android Application In The Form Of
A Simulation Lab As Learning Media for Senior High School Students
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State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
Publication date: 2015-08-25
Corresponding author
I Made Astra
State university of jakarta, Jl. rawamangun, 13220 jakarta, Indonesia
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2015;11(5):1081-1088
Technological development has created breakthroughs in learning. M-learning can give access students to learn anytime and anywhere by using their mobile devices. M-learning is prospective and progressive learning to be implemented.
• Learning physics demands teachers to demonstrate the real nature phenomenon through direct obeservation or experiment so students understand whole concepts comprehensively. Unfortunately, teachers can not demonstrate all phenomenon, such as ideal gas properties. A simulation lab can be made to overcome the problem.
Materials and methods:
The method employed in this research is research and development. According to sugiyono (2008), the method of research and development is a kind of research method employed to create and test products. The product of this research is an android application which has been validated by concept experts, media experts, empirical test of teachers, and student test.
Averages for feasibility of the media on all indicators are 83.13% from media experts, 87.5% from concept experts, 83.13% from empirical test of teachers, and 78.51% from student test.
It is concluded that the android application in the form of a simulation lab can be used as a learning media for senior high school students