Enhancing a Computer-Based Testing Environment with Optimum Item Response Time
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Giresun University
Publication date: 2015-09-29
Corresponding author
Erhan Delen   

Giresun University, Faculty of Education - Giresun University, 28000 Giresun, Turkey
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2015;11(6):1457-1472
As technology has become more advanced and accessible in teaching and learning settings, there has been an upward trend in computer-based testing in the last decades.

Materials and methods:
The present experimental study examines students’ behaviors during computer-based testing in two different conditions and explores to what extent the test results were affected by those conditions.

Study results indicate that some of the psychometric features of a test (reliability and validity) could be enriched on computer-based testing when students are provided optimum item response time. In addition, it was found that providing optimum response time for each item influenced the students in the experimental group to not engage in rapid guess behaviors. Thereby, students spent a reasonable amount of time answering the questions, which resulted in more reliable and valid scores, aforementioned. Lastly, there was no statistically significant difference in two groups in terms of student performance.

Psychometric features of a test could be enriched when students are provided additional features on a computer-based testing environment.
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