Peer Review Policy

The EURASIA Journal operates a double-blind peer reviewing process. The manuscript should not include authors' names, institutional affiliations or contact information. Also, authors' own works need to be blinded in the references (see the APA style). All submitted manuscripts are reviewed by the editors and section editors, and only those meeting the aims and scope of the journal will be sent for outside review. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two referees. At times when deemed necessary, editors will seek assistance from additional expert reviewers in order to be able to reach a final fair decision.

The editors are doing their best to reduce the time that elapses between a paper's submission and publication in a regular monthly issue. It is expected that the review and publication processes will be completed in about 3-12 months after submission depending on reviewers' feedback and the editors' final decision. If revisions are requested then, naturally, publication time becomes longer. At the end of the review process, accepted papers will be published with a DOI number on the journal’s website.
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