Primary School Pre-service Mathematics Teachers’ Views on Mathematical Modeling
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National Ministry of Education
Abant Izzet Baysal University
Publication date: 2015-07-13
Corresponding author
Soner Durmus   

Abant Izzet Baysal University, Faculty of Education, 14100 Bolu, Turkey
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2015;11(4):803-815
The current study aimed to determine primary school mathematics pre-service teachers’ views on mathematical modeling activities.

Materials and methods:
Qualitative research methods were used. Appropriate data collection tools were selected for the purposes of observation, interview, video analysis and content analysis. Additionally, themes, and relationships among themes were identified to obtain more explanatory and causal results. The modeling activity used in the research was adapted for the purposes of the study in a similar manner to the modeling activities developed by Lesh and Doerr (2003).

The views of primary school mathematics pre-service teachers on mathematical modeling problems were revealed, and were idenitfied on the benefits of using mathematical modeling activities in teaching mathematics. Difficulties experienced by the primary school mathematics pre-service teachers in the use of mathematical modeling were determined.

Primary school mathematics pre-service teahcers emphasized the difference of mathematical modeling from the problems solved in the class: its reflective real life nature and the importance of preferences, ambiguity and subjectivity. Modeling problems contribute to using mathematics in daily life or awareness of using mathematics in daily life. The importance of having these types of activities in advanced classes would be useful for them when they become teachers.
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