Problem Solving as a Professional Development Strategy for Teachers: A Case Study with Fractions
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Center for Mathematical Modeling and Center for Advanced Research in Education (University of Chile)
Publication date: 2016-12-16
Corresponding author
Josefa Perdomo-Díaz   

Center for Mathematical Modeling and Center for Advanced Research in Education (University of Chile), Beauchef 851, Edificio Norte, Piso 7., 8370456 Santiago de Chile, Chile
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(3):987-999
In this paper we present a professional development course designed to impact on teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching fractions. The main features of the course are the use of i) problem solving activities related with mathematical knowledge for teaching fractions ii) peer discussions and iii) monitor’s interventions focused on answering with questions. The objective of this paper is to present some insights on how this type of course may contribute to the development of teachers’ knowledge for teaching fractions.

Material and methods:
To do that we analyze the case of one teacher in depth, using the recording of his work during the course (video, audio, and written documents), his answers to two questionnaires and his responses to an interview six months after the course.

Results show how named features of the course contributed to the development of this teacher’s specific fractions knowledge, knowledge of fractions and students, and of fractions and teaching.

This case study provide insights on how problem solving activities, together with peer interactions and answering with questions can be put together in the design of a professional development course where teachers mathematical knowledge for teaching improves.
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