A Conversation with Michael R. Matthews: The Contribution of History and Philosophy of Science to Science Teaching and Research
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Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara, TURKEY
Publication date: 2010-12-22
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2010;6(4):287-309
The following conversation with Michael R. Matthews took place in May and June of 2010 via e-mail after his visit to Istanbul and Ankara for giving seminars on “The Contribution of History and Philosophy of Science to Science Teaching and Research” at Bogazici University and Hacettepe University. Our conversation included topics such as Michael’s educational background, science teacher education in relation to history and philosophy of science, worldviews, nature of science, constructivism, possible future directions for research, and advices for junior scholars and doctoral students. We believe that Michael’s generous answers to our questions will be of interest to all science education researchers around the world.
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