A Preliminary Study on the Learning Satisfaction and Effectiveness of VR Weight Training Assisting Learning System for Beginners
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Graduate School Design Doctoral Program, National Yunlin University, Yunlin County, TAIWAN, ROC
Department of Animation and Game Design, SHU-TE University, Kaohsiung City, TAIWAN, ROC
Online publication date: 2017-09-15
Publication date: 2017-09-15
Corresponding author
Chung-Ho Su   

Department of Animation and Game Design, SHU-TE University, No.59, Hengshan Rd., Yanchao Dist., 82445 Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(9):6231-6248
In 2016, with the widespread use of the somatosensory technology, the improvement of virtual reality and the head-mounted monitors, a lot of research and innovation emerged. The VR head-mounted monitors aren’t used at fixed places. Learning by using the First Person perspective to execute the games, learners can escape the limit of monitors. Beginners will reduce the willingness to learn due to incorrect movements, operating the devices without coaches, and unable to observe oneself simultaneously. This study is based on experiential VR device, using Virtual coach and expanding mirror for auxiliary teaching and observing self-training process. Experimental observation method and questionnaire survey are applied to test. The test subjects are 53 boys and girls aged 18 to 25 years old who haven’t had contact with gym equipment. The study shows that 70 percent of the subjects hold a positive recognition towards the system operation and they can force on the correct position. The satisfaction is affected due to not being familiar with the way the game is operated for some learners. In the open questionnaire, learners mention that weight training materials provide them with the opportunity to view and correct their body movements and also raise learner’s fitness will.
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