Assessment of the Accuracy of Orthodontic Digital Models in Dental Education
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Near East University, N. CYPRUS
Ankara University, TURKEY
Kocaeli University, TURKEY
Online publication date: 2017-06-21
Publication date: 2017-08-17
Corresponding author
Tolga Şakar   

Near East University, N. CYPRUS
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(8):5465-5473
The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of measurements on 3D models obtained with a CBCT and digital scanner, comparing with analog dental plaster casts and therefore determine whether the aforementioned digital models could be implemented in dental education. A total of 120 archived maxillary plaster models were digitized by using two different CBCT techniques, (NewTom, and 3G Planmeca ProMax 3D), and Cerec Omnicam Digital Scanner, Sirona. The mean absolute values among the plaster models, IDS models, and CBCT scans were in the range of 0.12 mm-0.33 mm. The intraclass correlation coefficients for all measured variables showed high reliability. The mean differences for arch width such as inter-canine, inter-premolar and inter-molar as well as mesiodistal width measurements exhibited a mean difference value higher than 0.3 mm (p˂.05). Digital models acquired from plaster casts were reliable for clinical orthodontic practice. Therefore, the use of digital models provides a reliable alternative to plaster models and it can be used in dental education.
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