Career Planning and Mentorship in Health Care Education
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Near East University, NORTHERN CYPRUS
Online publication date: 2017-07-12
Publication date: 2017-07-12
Corresponding author
Kemal Mümtazoğlu   

Near East University, NORTHERN CYPRUS
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(8):4513-4521
This research has been conducted in order to assess the opinions of the administrators in educational institutions’ training personnel working in health sector and the administrators in health care institutions about career planning and mentorship. The research has been conducted via phenomenology design to be one of qualitative research designs. The working group of the research was formed of 5 administrators of the educational institutions training personnel in health sector and 7 administrators of health care institutions. The working group was determined by snowball sampling method. In order to find out the opinions of the sample group, the form of career planning and opinion assessment was used. Standardized open-ended questions was developed by the researcher. Collected data was subjected to categorical analysis.
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