Development of Mathematical Thinking through Integration of Ethnomathematic Folklore Game in Math Instruction
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Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, ISRAEL
Online publication date: 2017-11-19
Publication date: 2017-11-19
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2018;14(2):617-630
This article belongs to the special issue "Literature and the Arts in Mathematical Education".
In light of all the difficulties and challenges facing us today in improving math education, questions arise regarding how to develop students’ mathematical thinking and conception, how to increase student motivation to learn math, how to improve achievement in math, and how to maintain an interesting, enjoyable, and successful learning process in math. In this paper we will present one solution to these questions according to the ethnomathematical approach, which combines culture and math instruction: the integration of ethnomathematical folklore games in the instruction of math. On this background, the proposed paper will discuss the following issues: (1) the definition and essence of ethnomathematics; (2) the historical development of the ethnomathematical approach; (3) the political aspect of ethnomathematics; (4) Lev Vigotsky’s constructivist theory and its relation to ethnomathematics; (5) the importance of developing a curriculum that integrates cultural values; (6) the contributions of an ethnomathematical curriculum; (7) various approaches regarding the ethnomathematical curricula; (8) proposals for the development of ethnomathematical curricula; (9) What is a mathematical game; (10) Discussion; (11) Summary and suggestions.
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