Discourse Analysis of Interpersonal Meaning to Understand the Discrepancy between Teacher Knowing and Practice
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Middle East Technical University
Publication date: 2016-07-02
Corresponding author
Emine Gül Çelebi İlhan   

Middle East Technical University, The Department of Secondary Education, METU, 06800 Ankara, Turkey
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2016;12(8):2237-2251
As is well known to all bridging teacher knowledge or learning with practice is not a straightforward task. This paper aims to explore this discrepancy between a mathematics teacher’s knowing and practices and to offer ways of alignment between the two based on the social/interpersonal meanings and their realization through teacher’s discourse.

Material and methods:
In this study we utilized discourse analysis of interpersonal meanings within a high school mathematics class mainly by focusing on the mathematics teacher’s discourse

We have found that an interpersonal meaning manifested by teacher’s discourse establishes counterproductive social roles and relationships for the knowing/learning to come alive.

We conclude that the realization of interpersonal meanings can hinder or support the generation of ideas within the classroom: both for teacher’s knowing and student’s mathematical meaning making

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