Effects of Distance Learning on Learning Effectiveness
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I-Shou University, TAIWAN
National Pingtung University of Education, TAIWAN
Publication date: 2014-12-15
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2014;10(6):575-580
The development of computers in the past two decades has resulted in the changes of education in enterprises and schools. The advance of computer hardware and platforms allow colleges generally applying distance courses to instruction that both Ministry of Education and colleges have paid attention to the development of Distance Learning. To improve the quality of distance learning and students’ learning effectiveness in the investigated universities, quantitative survey with SPSS19.0 is applied to analyzing data in this study, in which Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Regression Analysis, and Analysis of Variance are utilized for organizing and analyzing data. About 600 college students in Department of Public Administration are proceeded questionnaire survey, and 472 valid copies are studied. The research findings show that 1.Distance Learning appears significantly positive effects on Curriculum Instruction in Learning Effectiveness; 2.Distance Learning presents notably positive effects on Technological Media in Learning Effectiveness; 3.Distance learning reveals remarkably positive effects on Curriculum Management in Learning Effectiveness; and, 4.demographic variables appear notable effects on the correlations between Distance Learning and Learning Effectiveness.
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