Research on Cultivation Scheme Based on TPB of Entrepreneurial Talents in Chinese Local Application-Oriented Universities
Zou Bo 1
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Business School of Anyang Normal University, Anyang, Henan, 45500, China
Online publication date: 2017-08-22
Publication date: 2017-08-22
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Zou Bo   

Doctor of management, associate professor in Business School of Anyang Normal University located in No.436, Xiange Avenue, Anyang, Henan, China. Tel: +86-371-3300046
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(8):5629-5636
It is necessary to cultivate innovative and entrepreneurial talents in colleges and universities to meet the needs of constructing innovation-oriented country, which is also an important breakthrough in the realization of higher education reform in Chinese universities. According to the problems in the process of current entrepreneurial talent cultivation in Chinese local application-oriented universities, based on TPB behavioral theory and the sample data of 378 college students in 3 universities, combined with insufficient entrepreneurial spirit, weak entrepreneurial awareness, weak innovation skills and other major puzzles that met in the process of entrepreneurship by students, the paths of attitude towards entrepreneurial action, entrepreneur’s subjective norm and perceivable behavioral control to influence students’ entrepreneurial intention were simulated. According to the results of analysis, it proved that the training of students’ entrepreneurial conciousness should be strengthened, practical teaching in the process of entrepreneurship education should be highlighted, and the policy support for students’ entrepreneurial activities should be strengthened in order to improve, and realize the improvement of the training quality of innovation and entrepreneurship talents in Chinese local application-oriented universities with the organic combination of innovation education and science and technology education.
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