Science Education Curriculum Development Principles in Taiwan: Connecting with Aboriginal Learning and Culture
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University of Taipei
Graduate School of Curriculum and Instructional Communications and Technology, National Taipei University of Education
Publication date: 2016-12-26
Corresponding author
Yuan-Chen Liu   

Graduate School of Curriculum and Instructional Communications and Technology, National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(5):1341-1360
This paper reflects thorough consideration of cultural perspectives in the establishment of science curriculum development principles in Taiwan. The authority explicitly states that education measures and activities of aboriginal peoples’ ethnic group should be implemented consistently to incorporate their history, language, art, living customs, social system, ecology utilization, and value system. However, current educational practices in science education seriously neglect the importance of aboriginal cultures and values.

Material and methods:
To establish an index of curriculum development principles in Aboriginal Science Education, this study applies several research tools, such as fieldwork, expert interviews, panel discussions, and the Delphi method.

Five dimensions are implemented to address the diverse needs of aboriginal students: local standard, cultural response, cognitive approach, learning interest, and learning effectiveness.

The study aims to reach two specific perspectives: 1) promote Aboriginal Science Curriculum with valuable research findings to influence future policy making; and 2) assist aboriginal students in understanding the significance of culture aspects in their science education.

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