Student Satisfaction Scale Development and Application for Sport Management In China
Liu Liu 1,2
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Sport and Health Research Center and School of Physical Education in Huaqiao University
Institute of Education in Xiamen University,
School of Physical Education in Huaqiao University
College of Business Administration. Huaqiao University.
Business Management Research Center. Huaqiao University
Publication date: 2016-12-28
Corresponding author
Liu Liu   

Sport and Health Research Center and School of Physical Education in Huaqiao University, College of Economics and Finance City, Fujian Province, China, 362021 Quanzhou, China
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(5):1429-1444
It appears the problem in past years that the talent cultivation and management is not suitable for the development of society and sports in China. Such a problem could be solved from various dimensions. From the aspect of management, the reinforcement of self-assessment is practicable.

Material and methods:
Aiming at such a problem, the professional sport university student satisfaction evaluation scale is constructed for developing the self-assessment of professional sport universities in China. The students in a professional sport university in China are taken as the respondents of survey in this study. Total 2715 students are surveyed, including 796 females and 1919 males.

he questionnaire is tested three times in the design process. First, the pre-survey for the initial scale is preceded. Second, Threshold Analysis, Item-Total Correlation, and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) are applied to classify the scale and construct the professional sport university student satisfaction scale, covering 6 dimensions and 58 questions. Third, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is utilized for analyzing the collected data.

The development and application of satisfaction scale develop a practicable tool of self-assessment for professional sport universities as well as assist in promoting the teaching service quality of universities in China and enhancing the continual improvement.
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