Research and Practice of Hybrid Teaching Model of Trinity
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Changchun University of Science and Technology, China
Online publication date: 2017-08-22
Publication date: 2017-08-22
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Xiu-Ping Dong   

Associate Professor, School of Marxism, Changchun University of Science and Technology, China. Address to No.7989 Satellite Rd, Changchun city, 130022 Jilin province, China. Tel: +86 15943007503
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(8):5589-5596
The Internet brings many new challenges and opportunities to traditional teaching and learning. It is an inevitable trend to improve the teaching efficiency, enhance the attraction of the course and the teaching effect by realizing the Hybrid Teaching Model reform from the traditional teaching mode to the full use of the network. The teaching of ideological and political theory should be more internalized in the field of the mind, and more needs to explore new teaching modes suitable for young students. The background of this study is the impact of the online environment on the various links and teaching methods of traditional teaching, and also gives new opportunities for teaching reform. Based on the reform of the teaching mode of online courses, the paper explores the teaching reform path from the new teaching concept to the application of the mixed teaching mode and the method of evaluation. More than half of the students were willing to accept the practical application of the study and thought it was better, the study showed. At the same time, a quarter of the students failed to make full use of network course resources, one over ten of the students think network curriculum resources still cannot meet the learning needs. The results shows that network resources are still need to be further optimized. In general, the study follows the trend of network teaching, and its application has achieved preliminary results. According to the student feedback, there is also the problem of optimizing curriculum network resource allocation and resource utilization.
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