TELL us ESP in a Flipped Classroom
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Shih Chien University
Online publication date: 2017-08-10
Publication date: 2017-08-10
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Biwen Lee   

Shih Chien University, No. 200, University Rd, Neimen, Kaohsiung, 84550 Taiwan, R.O.C.
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(8):4995-5007
Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) via e-learning systems and the Internet, encourages language learners to develop language ability in a more effective way. The flipped classroom is one of the contemporary pedagogical methods. This research experimented with an innovative flipped classroom approach in an undergraduate English learning course for specific purposes, along with investigated the value of using flipped classroom strategy. In the new instructional model of flipped classroom, it further provided a more effective connection between traditional flipped in-class and out-of-class activities via other on-line learning activities from school’s eLearning platform. This research aims to identify whether this innovative approach is a positive experience for students. The findings indicate that the impact on the student experience is significantly positive and with a higher level of satisfaction by students especially for those students who have TOEIC test experience before. Moreover, the further on-line tutoring and supporting resource were also addressed in a positive learning experience. This paper offers implementation recommendations for an innovative flipped curriculum and materials design for ESL/EFL teachers in ESP.
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