The Dynamic Games of Visitor Education with Incentive Mechanism
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Shenzhen Polytechnic, CHINA
Yunnan University, CHINA
Online publication date: 2017-08-23
Publication date: 2017-08-23
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Shouwen Wen   

School of Entrepreneurship and innovation, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen. Address to School of Entrepreneurship and innovation, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 5180551, China. Tel: +86-0775-2601-9330
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(8):5985-5996
The two-stage dynamic game of visitor education with incentive mechanism is proposed in this paper to study how to raise the effect of the visitor education and how to inspirit the visitors to take part in visitor education programme. In the first stage of the game, the park’s managers should choose proper strategies including positive and negative incentives for visitors. They should choose the optimal inspiriting measures and strengths to encourage the visitors to take part in the education intervention programme. In the second stage of the game, the visitors can decide whether they take part in the visitor education and obey the park’s rules to reduce their unwanted behaviors or not. There are negative utilities for the visitors when they Obey rules of the park and reduce their unwanted behaviors. And the negative utilities function of the visitors is strict concave. The park can induce the visitors to obey the rules and reduce their unwanted behaviors by visitor education intervention programme. The cost of facilities maintenance and nature resource recovering fee, cleaning fee and so on can be saved by reducing visitors’ unwanted behaviors. The cost saving of the park is the return of developing visitor education programme. The return function is convex. The law of diminishing returns is satisfied. And the return growth rate declines gradually when the visitors’ efforts to reduce their unwanted behaviors increase. The Nash Equilibrium solution of the game shows that the park should set up effective and creative incentive mechanism according to the visitor’s negative utilities, the expectation of visitors’ satisfaction and visitors’ sensitivity to inspiriting measures. The incentive mechanisms reflecting multi-benefit demands, common-benefits and joint-responsibilities can inspirit the visitors to participate in the visitor education interventions actively and reduce the negative impacts in tourism destinations.
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