Communicative Learning Aided by AR for Activity with Students within a Group HCI
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Tecnologico de Monterrey
Carnegie Mellon University
Publication date: 2016-12-01
Corresponding author
Fernando Suarez-Warden
Tecnologico de Monterrey, Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 sur, Monterrey NL 64849, México, 64849 Monterrey NL, Mexico
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(2):331-339
Communicative learning progress in industry and education must gain focus and commitment otherwise innovation efforts by new technologies and recent researches will produce scarce results. Frequently, it appears gaps in quality and efficiency due to lack of ideas assimilation, matter that can be noticed. Investigators may discourse about a platform that serves as communication medium for instructor and participants.The objective is to propound Human-Computer Interaction group activity where is crucial to display program key contents through Twitter. The inputs are goals and instructions related to a scheduled task for a session. Messages and comments are managed by the students in classroom to accomplish learning activities, communications deployed with basic schoolroom equipment (projector, speakers, laptops, Wi-Fi). A case with new .EXE code is developed containing main commands and objective of the activity aided by Augmented Reality. This paper alludes to some data structure architectures, communication layers and configuration of system.